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Is it true that if you have astigmatism, you see distorted or skewed images?

Have you ever experienced not being able to see clearly, with blurry or hazy images, or feeling like you’re seeing double? Many people might not realize that these issues could be caused by "astigmatism," a common vision problem. So, what exactly is astigmatism? What are its symptoms, and how can it be corrected? Additionally, what are the consequences of having the wrong astigmatism prescription? Today, we're providing the answers.

What causes astigmatism?

Astigmatism occurs due to an irregular shape or curvature of the cornea that is not uniform or spherical (it may be oval or elliptical). This irregularity causes light entering the eye to be refracted unevenly, leading to light focusing on multiple points rather than a single point on the retina. As a result, images appear blurry at both near and far distances, and there may be ghosting or overlapping of images.

Symptoms of astigmatism

Symptoms of astigmatism can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Common symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Eye strain
  • Tired eyes
  • Eye discomfort
  • Blurry vision at both near and far distances
  • Double vision
  • Squinting to see more clearly
  • Halo or glare around lights

How to correct astigmatism

The safest and simplest way to correct astigmatism is by wearing corrective glasses. Glasses for astigmatism use cylindrical lenses to address the uneven curvature and compensate for the light refraction, allowing for clearer vision. Astigmatism glasses should be prescribed and fitted by a vision specialist, as there are several factors to consider, including measuring the degree of astigmatism and the appropriate lens power, as well as correctly assembling the glasses.

What happens if you get the wrong astigmatism prescription?

If the astigmatism measurement is incorrect, the wrong lenses are prescribed, or the glasses are not assembled properly, it can affect the wearer’s vision. The consequences may include distorted or blurry vision, headaches, and eye discomfort. This is particularly problematic if there is a significant difference between the two eyes, as the eyes have to work harder to adjust and see together.

Don’t let astigmatism make life more difficult. Come in for an eye exam and get your astigmatism corrected with BVAX Master, vision specialists at the Optical Center, who will provide expert advice and solutions tailored to your needs. Make sure to regularly check your vision to update your prescription and ensure your glasses remain suitable if your vision changes


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