BVAX Master

Get to know legendary BVAX Masters at Better Vision

At Better Vision, not only do we have sales representatives, but also eye experts or BVAX Master. They are here to you in every step of the way, from performing eye examination and analyzing the results, to recommending lenses and adjusting and assembling them. With the training up to BVAX Academy standards and the expertise from over 5 years of experience, BVAX Master can analyze customers' problems, share advice, and accurately solve their vision issues to give them the perfect vision for their lifestyle.

Today we're introducing you to the legendary BVAX Masters who have been with Better Vision for over 10 years and have made over 10,000 pairs of eyeglasses. Let's see what their expertises and interests are.

Aum · 10 Years of service | BVAX MASTER at Seacon Square Srinagarindra

"Expert in Glasses Adjustment"

Adjusting glasses requires a high expertise because you need to be meticulous in order to make the glasses beautiful, balanced, and comfortable to wear all day.

Moo · 23 Years of service | BVAX MASTER at Central Rama 3

"Expert in Eye Prescription"

You must also think about customer's lifestyle in order to prescribe the optimal eye power and give them the perfect vision.

Keaw · 29 Years of service | BVAX MASTER at Silom Soi 1

"Expert in Office Lenses"

For customers who work in front of computers all day, its important to prescribe the lens power accurately because it can help reduce their eye fatigue and neck pain.

A · 32 Years of service | BVAX MASTER at Emquatier

"Expert in Myopia and Astigmatism"

Myopia and astigmatism are delicate matters. If a single point is missed in the analysis, it can cause the glasses to be uncofmortable to wear and can damage the eye sight more.

Ruj · 25 Years of service | BVAX MASTER at Siam Paragon

"Expert in Rimless Frames"

Crafting rimless eyeglasses is very challenging and requires you to be very precise. If the focal point measurement is missed by just one millimeter, it can add strain to your eyes.